How to Change & Remove Copyright Text in GeneratePress Free Themes


GeneratePress is a popular WordPress theme that comes in both a free and premium version. In the free version of GeneratePress, you can change the copyright text in the footer through the WordPress Customizer.

In this method, you can edit or change the copyright bar in GeneratePress using code in functions.php. This method requires you to perform a little bit of coding. There are two ways of doing so. You can either change the GeneratePress copyright message using code in the functions.php file. 

  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Search Code Snippets Plugin.
  • Install and Activate the Plugin.
  • Go to Snippets > Add New
  • Name the Snippet.
  • Copy and Paste the following code.
  • Change the Copyright Text.
  • Activate the Snippet.
  • Check the copyright bar on the footer section of the website.
function chat4now_footer_creds_text () {
$copyright = '<div class="creds"><p>Copyright © ' . date('Y') . ' · <a href="">Chat4now</a> - All Rights Reserved</p></div>';
return $copyright;
add_filter( 'generate_copyright', 'chat4now_footer_creds_text' );

I hope the steps given in this GeneratePress tutorial will help you to remove Powered by GeneratePress in free and premium versions of the theme. Your copyright text in the GeneratePress free theme should now be updated to your desired content.

Hi, I am Roton Kumar Roy a part-time Blogger,Youtuber and founder of Here, I post about blogging to help people make money online.

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